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The Hudson Valley Music Jukebox

We've picked some random songs from our collection of Hudson Valley CDs. Enjoy! A new song list is created every day.
Note that some songs are only partial samples.

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Today We Are Featuring These CDs

Galvanized by Neil Alexander & NAIL
Our Dark Age_Pray For Tomorrow w/Sarah Power by Steven Lance
JDA Live at Kenny's 10​-​16​-​2005 by The JDA Project
The Swindlers by Fredro and The Swindlers
Heart, Mind & All by The Kurt Henry Band
To Each One of Us by Karen Beth
Akasha by Bob Grimm
A Denim Fall by David Kraai
All The Honky Tonks Have Died by Way Behind The Sun
The Dream by Ken and Julie
Solo Piano Vol. 2: Darn That Dream Live in LA by Neil Alexander
Merry Christmas from Bob Martinson by The Bob Martinson Band
Steppin Out by Steve Michaels
Lynn Starr Live! It's Only Love by Lynn Starr
Spiritually Elevated Animating Motive by Animus Numinous
We're Not Kiddin'Around by Frank Migliorelli & The Dirt Nappers