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EW’s Drum Studio
Modern Drummer Magazine Dec. 2015 listed as one of the "Finest Drum Instructors in the World" by legend Dom Famularo.

Eric offers drum lessons to students of all levels and ages. Eric has 30+ years of performing and teaching experience. He is a faculty member of the Dutchess Community College Music Department as well as drum instructor for the Dutchess Day School. His studio is located at Vincitore's Piano Center in Poughkeepsie, NY, near Vassar College. He is a member of The Professional Drum Teachers Guild of America.

Lessons are prepared based on each student’s desires and needs, i.e. an adult looking for serious drum study or just a hobby for fun, or a younger student who needs structure and guidance. Eric has a diverse approach to teaching as he tailors each lesson to meet each individual’s learning style while keeping it fun for all.

Eric’s students learn how to read and perform all styles including rock, latin, jazz, rudimental snare drum, etc. Students get a full multi-media approach to learning drums that allows them to enhance their musical progress by taking advantage of modern day technologies. By practicing with computerized drum machines in musical ways to help develop phrasing and accuracy, students can simulate a performance atmosphere as well as the most important aspect...a crucial time feel.

Contact EW’s Drum Studio
Location: Dutchess County, NY
Phone: (845) 2048215

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